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November 26, 2011



Linda, I have enjoyed looking at your work your pieces are absolutely gorgeous ( I went back and looked at all your favorites).
Don't know how you picked favorites they are all beautiful and so very creative, I love the "joy" that is expressed in your work. I'll be visiting these again for inspiration. Thank you for sharing.


Sad face. I will just say, "until we meet again on another project." Thank you! Thank you! You will be missed on the E-Team. I look forward to seeing all the beautiful things you create.


I have and continue to admire your beautiful creativity. I'm still in awe that I was able to be on this great team with you! I will miss "working" with you, but will continue to be inspired by your lovely works of art!


I do miss you already. I hope you're feeling better. Love you!


You are such an inspiration and I so blessed to have gotten to know you. Your work is awesome and you will be missed. However, I will continue to "stalk" you :-).

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Took me almost a whole week to feel better and am still not over it completely. Big hugs.

Linda Wilcott

I am so sorry to hear that you are sick. I am sending you my warmest wishes for a speedy recovery to good health. I'm a BIG fan of your work. You're the best!

Darlene G

Very sorry to hear you are sick. Hope things get better for you very soon. Your designs will be greatly missed. Hope you can share some work at times. Thanks for all you have done.


Oh, you will be so missed! I am such a huge fan of your I want you to rest and get well soon! blessings on you, Linda!


You will certainly be missed. Your works of art are just beautiful and so inspiring to me. But most important is your health. Try to enjoy the time you've taken for yourself. I will keep you in my prayers.

I wish you a happy holiday season!



i hope you will still be creating stuffs. i am on your email list and hope to see you off and on as your time permits.

Edna Burgess

Sorry to hear you're leaving and will be missed so much as really enjoy your work. I checked out all the old ones again and refreshed my memory. Thanks for everything you've done for each of us. Edna


You will be missed. Thank you for these links to these amazing and inspiring projects, Linda.

Mary Harris

I am so sorry to hear this. First off hearing that you have been ill. I hope that you are feeling better soon. I am going to miss all of your fabulous creations. :(

Sherry Cheever

well I'm none to happy to see this, you are already missed!

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